Paving lights and components


LED paving lights Magnum LED paving lights Spot LED aluminum lighting Profiles
LED paving lights Magnum LED paving lights Spot LED Profiles
Installation components Waterproof Cable Connectors LED drivers and lighting
control equipment

Paving lights

The LED paving lights have a frosted glass body, manufactured from borosilicate glass that have a flat working surface and can be applied as decorative lights or colored accents in landscape lighting. The ways of application: landscape and decorative lighting (interior and exterior), marking up-lights, pathway and step lights, patio lighting.

Aluminum LED Profiles and linear lenses

Aluminum LED profiles for general and decorative LED lighting. Thermally optimised profile structures and cross-sections ensure ideal heat dissipation. Anodised aluminium profiles reduce thermal stresses even further and, above all, achieve extremely high electrical resistances in order to prevent short-circuits.

The range of suitable lenses and covers is very extensive and includes both highly-transparent and matte variants of different geometry designs. These are all optimised from the illumination engineering aspect to achieve the lowest possible light attenuation and good homogeneity of the radiation characteristics, thus allowing exceptional lighting control designs for any application.

Profiles, lenses and covers can be easily cut to measure from standard delivery lengths and thus adapted to project-specific requirements. They are simple and easy to assemble and install. The Easy Click system can be used to mount the profiles at various angles ranging from 0° to 60°, as required.


An additional section contains the information about the voltage converters, installation accessories, waterproof cable connectors IP68.